fredag 23 september 2011

You know whats ironic brothers/sisters.. Us good sisters are saying its hard to find good brothers to marry, and the good brothers are saying its hard finding a good sister to marry. Am I the only one seeing the biggest miscommunication here??
"If you save yourself, Allah (Subhanhu wa Ta'ala) will save a brother for you." -Shaykh Aala Elsayed

hijabi: mashallah, you’re admirable, the strength it takes to walk down the street as a representative of your religion. mashallah, you have found the way to your iman, keep it up, keep that head held high and that courage burning. but remember: that cloth isn’t what makes you beautiful, it is your words, your actions, your thoughts.
non-hijabi: mashallah, you are beautiful, both inside and out. i pray that you find the strength it takes to start wearing the hijab. i know you are trying your hardest to follow islam, you are learning, you are finding out who you are. never let anyone tell you you aren’t good enough, never let them tell you that you are worse than that hijabi. you are just as good if you have the right intentions. inshallah, you will wear the hijab when you are ready.
ex-hijabi: this world is tough, it is. you probably have a lot going on in your life and it might have been a struggle to keep your hijab on. i am sorry that this world couldn’t treat you better. inshallah, you will find yourself at a place where you can be who you are and practice your religion freely. and if you gave up hijab willingly, that was your decision. maybe hijab wasn’t for you, maybe you need to take a break and re-assess your faith. but that’s okay, we all need a break sometimes.
whoever you are, hijabi, non-hijabi, ex-hijabi, you are all beautiful and i admire you for who you are.
Är det inte sjukt hur en människa kan ge en massa förhoppningar sen visar det att allt vara bara ren bullshit. Ge inte förhoppningar till en människa, om du inte kan hålla det du ska säga. Bättre att bara knipa igen sin käft. Jag kan vara bra på att prata, och jag kan säga så mycket men tro mig när jag säger att jag gör mitt bästa för att fylla dom kraven också. Det är så dumt att man litar på en människa, man ger sitt förtroende och man kastar nästan allt vid sidan om, för att man ger ditt förtroende till denna människan . Men när det visar sig att han/hon bara pratat en massa rent skit, känner man sig blåst och lurad.  ! Alltid sagt till mig själv att aldrig lita på ord, men det är så lätt att falla i den fällan. 

Thanks for dinner mom